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Buying A Business

Horizon Law Corporation advises purchasers of an existing business on the details of the purchase transaction, from initial due diligence through to draft and review of final contracts. Based in Surrey, the counsel at Horizon Law Corporation advises clients throughout the Fraser Valley, including White Rock, on the wide scope of legal issues connected to a business purchase in British Columbia.

Full Service To Business Purchasers

Lina Lee, the lawyer at Horizon Law Corporation, will provide full and complete legal services to ensure your business purchase goes smoothly. This can include initial due diligence, such as an analysis of the business' financial statements, debts, liabilities, assets and existing contracts. Lina Lee can also advise you on how to structure the purchase itself, such as whether it is advisable to purchase the company's shares, or to purchase its assets.

Lina Lee will draft the legal documents and business contracts needed to initiate and complete buying a business, including a letter of intent and a purchase agreement with supporting documents. For clients who have this documentation prepared, Lina Lee provides an informed and detailed review of the drafted agreements to ensure they conform with the deal that was struck between the parties.

Lawyer in Surrey To Assist With Purchasing A Business

Business purchase is a significant financial investment and carries legal risk. The legal advice of an experienced business lawyer can help to ensure your options are fully explored and the final agreement is consistent with your business objectives. Lina Lee has been a B.C. lawyer for more than 15 years and has consistently offered high-quality advice to new and seasoned business owners.

To discuss your options to buy a business in White Rock or Surrey with a lawyer, call Horizon Law Corporation at 604-538-7074 in Surrey and White Rock or contact us online to make an appointment.

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