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Commercial Leases

Securing building space for operations, storage, manufacturing or other needs means negotiating and executing a commercial lease that meets your business objectives. While having a commercial real estate broker or realtor help you find the space is ideal, having a competent commercial leases lawyer help you with this type of business transaction is essential.

Local Experience For Commercial Lease Execution

Prior to starting Horizon Law Corporation in May 2005, Lina Lee spent nine years as a lawyer in northern British Columbia. She has since built a successful Lower Mainland business law practice. Many of her clients come from referrals from fellow legal and financial services professionals and past clients, who trust her to provide sound and effective legal advice, but she welcomes the opportunity to work with newly formed and existing businesses as well. To work with Horizon Law Corporation, contact the firm today to set up an appointment.

As a commercial leases lawyer serving the White Rock and Surrey regions of British Columbia, Ms. Lee is well-versed in the area. She can help evaluate the commercial lease contract to make sure it conforms to common terms and procedures. She has experience helping clients who need commercial lease assistance because they are:

Contact A White Rock-South Surrey Lawyer Today

To speak with Horizon Law Corporation's company law solicitor in Surrey and White Rock, call the firm today at 604-538-7074 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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