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Estates Planning Process

When a family member passes away, you and your loved ones may want some legal advice as to how to proceed. If you are prepared to handle the process to have your family member's estate dealt with appropriately, you may need only basic guidance on the probate process regarding what you have to do, and when. Lina Lee, an estate planning and probate lawyer working out of Horizon Law Corporation in Surrey, can give you this guidance on a consultation basis.

Legal Advice For Straightforward Estates

The aftermath of a loved one's death is an emotionally stressful period of time. If your loved one died with a Will, he or she would likely have named an executor. This individual is tasked with probating the Will, dealing with the debts and taxes of the deceased person, preparing an accounting of the deceased person's estate and distributing its assets, among other duties. When an estate is not complicated, for example, if assets are few and beneficiaries all live within the jurisdiction and there is no one disputing the validity of the Will or its contents, an executor may be able to handle the process with basic advice from a lawyer.

If the estate is complicated, lawyer Lina Lee can help prepare a probate application or, if the deceased died without a Will, the necessary application for probate - without a Will. If you wish to proceed on your own, Lina Lee can answer such questions as:

  • Who to contact regarding the death and estate taxes
  • What assets form a part of the estate
  • How to transfer the assets with beneficiaries or that are held in joint tenancy by way of proper legal instrument
  • What forms are necessary to apply for probate
  • What information is necessary to fulfil your legal obligations as executor of the estate
  • Tax and estate planning ramifications that must be considered

Lina Lee can remain available to you for further consultations should you discover you require further legal advice and guidance.

Estate Consultant In White Rock

To arrange a consultation with the estates procedure lawyer at Surrey's Horizon Law Corporation, call the firm at 604-538-7074 or contact us online to make an appointment.

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